Few Updates: BP at CAYA and CrushTO Has A New Home!

First of all, I am happy to announce that the first Body Pride in the public sphere was a great success. Having not been there myself, I hear only from my naked whisperers, and all that is invading my ears are the reverberations of birthday-suit joy. For this, I would like to thoroughly thank the staff at Come As You Are for providing us an opportunity to reach more people and influence their perceptions in what small way we can.


Secondly, after 8 amazing months at The Central, I’d Tap That is happy to announce that we have a new venue located at Club 120. I’d like to send a big shout-out to the Central for all of the memories and awesome times. You allowed us an amazing space to host incredible parties for the better part of a year, and I thank you for that. Each Crush Party I partook in ignited more love and appreciation for the sexy people of Toronto and I am thrilled to see how big our community has grown in the short span that we have throwing flirtacious shindigs.

All that said, we have an amazing evening planned for all of you wondrous beautiful beings and you should most definitely come enjoy a Sex On the Beach with us. January 26th, 10pm.

crush on the beach